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I’m Ryan Davis, and this is my tech blog. I’m the head of the programming department at a small, family owned business in Florida, I graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in computer engineering, and have been making various business applications for about 5 years now. I’m interested in automation, effective processes (the managementy kind), code generation, and lisp.

This is a replacement for my old blog, Ryan’s work blog. This is no longer meant to be affiliated with my job, although the things I write about likely have relevance at work. I’m leaving the old one up, cause it gets a bunch of hits, but all new content is going to go here.

For the morbidly curious, I keep a personal blog with some of my friends, where I post content about personal events (like getting engaged). This personal blog is not recommended for anyone who doesn’t consider themselves my friend, there won’t be much cross-over between the content on this blog and that one.