This is a follow-up to my post last year about simplistic heat-maps using Vecto. To recap, I’m trying to make heat maps for google maps overlays. Here’s how it works in a nutshell: From javascript I pass to the server the lat/lng region currently shown on the google map, and what size heat map to […]
Category Archives: adw-charting
new adw-charting release (finally)
Version 0.8 is up on In this release: docs that actually match the code – this was the vast majority of recent work the adw-charting gallery – I’ll be loading this up with more examples as time goes on separate google / vecto rendering backends tons of bug fixes code that sucks less – […]
adw-charting now has at least one other user
I’ve gotten some nice email from Erik Winkels giving feedback on adw-charting, and now today (which has had already it’s share of exe-related posts), I get one more email with a patch for supporting clisp executables. I was loading a font file using a path relative to the (asdf:component-pathname …), and that was tripping up […]
adw-charting progress and plans
It’s been awhile since I posted any updates on adw-charting, but some progress has been made. After deciding to use google charts for rendering, a few months ago, I’m re-thinking the decision. Google charts look very nice, but they weren’t as automatic as I’d hoped, and there was still a lot of processing needed before […]
adw-charting to get a lot prettier
I’ve recently come to an obvious conclusion: chart layout is really hard, and not in a fun way. Luckily, Google has clarified the terms of use on their charting service, which is a RESTful API that returns png files based on some arc-ish querystring parameters. No google API key is required, the 300,000 pixel image […]
adw-charting darcs repository moving
I apparently can’t follow instructions, and put my darcs repo in the wrong place on, polluting their darcsweb. The new location is: I’ll be deleting the old junk in a few days.
the beginnings of bar charts
Spent a ton of time today playing with adw-charting. I wanted to expand on the source contributor graphs from the other day, and ended up implementing some basic bar chart functionality. I’ve read a lot of complaints about the lack of lisp libraries, so whenever I sit down to do some random task, I try […]
sbcl contributors over time
I took a break from the day-to-day work (maybe giving Visual Studio’s a timeout will solve it’s “Generation of designer file failed: Unknown server tag…” problem), and noticed jsnell posted a list of SBCL contributors to #lisp, and decided to do some graphing: Of course, since I’ve never graphed this before, I found 2 bugs. […]
more adw-charting paperwork complete
Made another release tonight, but there are no new features, this is just tying up some loose ends: added a LICENSE file and license headers in each file. removed cl-vector-chart.lisp, which I had looked at for inspiration, but ultimately decided not to use. added a lisp file and shell script to automate making a release. […]
adw-charting 0.7
I finally got some time to employ the adw-charting library in my intranet app, and the increase in data sets revealed a lot of bugs. Tonight I finally put together a release. Some changes: Pie chart slices are made much more intelligently, resolving some bad rendering with some datasets. x-axis label locations are decided in […]